Calculator Training

Effective integration of calculators for intermediate phase teachers

Are you providing opportunities to your learners to ensure future success? Calculators have a place in intermediate phase classrooms. Effective integration of this learning tool is all that is required.

Technology should not be used as a replacement for basic understandings and intuition; rather, it can and should be used to foster those understandings and intuitions.

Educators need to integrate calculators in a meaningful way while promoting mental computation and critical thinking skills.
Book your training session with us!

EL-W535SA Training

The calculator that helps makes a difference! The EL-W535SA is the Sharp Scientific Calculator designed for the South African curriculum. This calculator accommodates grade 8-12 learners.

The Get Sharp, Be Sharp Manual available here addresses how to optimize the use of this calculator grade by grade, topic by topic.

Book your training session today – where we will work through the manual, and sharpen your calculator skills in conjunction with different topics.

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